Thanks for pouring your heart out here. I often think of how alike this industry is to my former one---the cutthroat industry that is sports. A women's leadership organization in that industry would train up emerging women based on how the industry currently is, not how they thought industry should be, which meant their women's leadership and empowerment programs and seminar just reenforced the gross misogyny they were supposedly fighting against. "We're not saying this is how it should be," they would say. "We're just equipping you to succeed inside the industry as it is." I know their intentions meant well, but it produced a whole bunch of powerful women who held up toxic systems rather than dismantled them. And the women behind them were the ones who suffered the most. May we continue to expect better of the women who come before.

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This is such an important point. Yes. And gosh I’m so proud of your integrity in this industry.

It matters so much.

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